"The Woods" by Harlan Coben is a gripping thriller that follows Paul Copeland, a county prosecutor, who is still haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his sister, Camille, twenty years ago at a summer camp in the woods. When a murder victim is found with links to that fateful night, Paul is thrust back into the past, unearthing long-buried secrets and dangerous truths. As he delves deeper, he must confront the possibility that Camille might still be alive and unravel a web of lies that have entangled his life and career. Reviews Publishers Weekly: "Harlan Coben's 'The Woods' is a masterful thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The intricate plot, combined with Coben's skillful storytelling, creates a narrative full of twists and turns. Paul Copeland's journey is both suspenseful and emotionally resonant, making this a must-read for thriller fans." Booklist: "'The Woods' is a brilliantly constructed thriller that showcases Harlan Coben's talent for creating gripping, character-driven stories. The novel's pacing is impeccable, and the suspense builds steadily as Paul Copeland delves deeper into the mysteries of his past. Coben's ability to weave multiple plotlines into a cohesive and thrilling narrative is truly impressive."
Book Title: The Woods - Harlan CobenBook Genre: Crime, Mystery Thriller, Suspense, Adult, Contemporary, Murder MysteryISBN: 9781409150565Number of Pages: 442Publishing Date: January 1, 2014Cover Type: Paperback