"Little Disasters" is a gripping psychological thriller that delves into the complexities of motherhood, friendship, and the dark secrets that lie beneath seemingly perfect lives. When a pediatrician, Liz, encounters a friend's injured child, a chain of events unravels, revealing buried truths and testing the boundaries of trust and loyalty. Reviews The Guardian: "Sarah Vaughan's 'Little Disasters' is an absorbing tale of the dark secrets hidden behind the facade of suburban perfection. The characters are richly drawn, and the plot twists keep the reader on edge until the very last page." A Goodreads Review: "An intense psychological thriller that explores the pressures of motherhood and the complexities of friendship. Vaughan's writing is sharp and insightful, making this a compelling read from start to finish." The New York Times: "A masterful examination of trust, betrayal, and the lengths to which we go to protect our loved ones. Vaughan's 'Little Disasters' is a thought-provoking and suspenseful novel that will leave readers questioning their own assumptions about right and wrong."
Book Title: Little Disaster - Sarah VaughanBook Genre: Mystery Thriller, Contemporary, Suspense, Adult, Psychological Thriller, CrimeISBN: 9781471165061Number of Pages: 432Publishing Date: September 5, 2019Cover Type: Paperback