"The Perfect Neighborhood" is a tense psychological thriller set in a seemingly idyllic suburban community. The story unfolds when a high-profile couple, the Hartmans, move into the neighborhood and disrupt the seemingly perfect lives of their new neighbors. When a local teenager goes missing, secrets and hidden tensions come to light, revealing that the facade of perfection is merely a cover for deep-seated rivalries and personal struggles. The novel explores themes of envy, deceit, and the dark underbelly of suburban life. Reviews Publishers Weekly: "In 'The Perfect Neighborhood,' Alterman delivers a gripping and atmospheric thriller. The novel’s portrayal of suburban perfection juxtaposed with hidden darkness creates a chilling effect. The suspense builds steadily, and the character-driven narrative provides a deep dive into the complexities of human behavior and relationships." BookPage: "Alterman’s novel is a masterful blend of psychological suspense and suburban drama. 'The Perfect Neighborhood' offers a fresh take on the thriller genre with its intricate plotting and well-drawn characters. The book’s exploration of envy and deceit in a seemingly perfect community makes for a compelling and thought-provoking read."
Book Title: The Perfect Neighborhood - Liz AltermanBook Genre: Crime, Mystery Thriller, Murder Mystery, SuspenseISBN: 9781639100217Number of Pages: 358Publishing Date: July 12, 2022Cover Type: Hardcover