In Mexican Gothic, the story follows Noemí Taboada, a young woman who is called to the rural Mexican town of El Triunfo to investigate her cousin’s mysterious illness. As Noemí uncovers the unsettling truth about the decaying house and its inhabitants, she must confront supernatural forces and unravel a web of secrets that threaten her sanity and survival. Reviews "A chilling, atmospheric novel that blends gothic horror with rich cultural insights. Mexican Gothic is a brilliant, unforgettable tale of suspense." — The New York Times Book Review "Moreno-Garcia’s writing is spellbinding, weaving a tale that is as unsettling as it is beautiful. A must-read for horror fans." — BookPage
Book Title: Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-GarciaBook Genre: Horror, Historical Fiction, Gothic, Mystery, Fantasy, ThrillerISBN: 9781529402681Number of Pages: 301Publishing Date: June 30, 2020Cover Type: Paperback