Peter Grant is a young probationary constable with the London Metropolitan Police, struggling to find his place in a career that feels stagnant. However, everything changes when he encounters a ghostly witness at a crime scene. His brush with the supernatural leads him to be recruited by Detective Chief Inspector Thomas Nightingale, the last wizard in England and head of a secret unit of the police that deals with magical crimes. As Peter delves into a mysterious case involving a spectral serial killer and territorial river deities, he begins to unravel the complex web of London's hidden magical world. Reviews "A delightful mix of urban fantasy and police procedural, Rivers of London offers both an exciting mystery and a vivid tour of the city." — The Guardian "Aaronovitch’s deep love for London shines through in every page, blending its historical richness with fantastical twists that are both clever and charming." — The Times "This is what urban fantasy should be: witty, inventive, and steeped in the life and lore of its setting." — SFX Magazine
Book Title: Rivers of London - Ben AaronovitchBook Genre: Urban Fantasy, Mystery, Crime, Paranormal, Magic, Supernatural, DetectiveISBN: 9780575097582Number of Pages: 432Publishing Date: January 10, 2011Cover Type: Paperback