Set in a vividly imagined 1920s Shanghai, this thrilling Romeo-and-Juliet-inspired story follows Roma Montagov and Juliette Cai, heirs to rival gangs. Their forbidden love unfolds against the backdrop of political upheaval, deadly monsters, and a mysterious contagion threatening their city. As tensions rise, Roma and Juliette must decide whether to unite against a greater enemy or succumb to the weight of their families' blood feud. With lush historical detail and gripping action, the novel explores themes of love, loyalty, and the cost of power. Reviews “A dazzling debut that blends history, romance, and fantasy seamlessly.” – The Washington Post “Chloe Gong’s prose is as lush and vibrant as her setting.” – Kirkus Reviews “An epic tale of love and betrayal with unforgettable characters.” – Publisher’s Weekly
Book Title: These Violent Delights - Chloe GongBook Genre: Historical Fiction, Young Adult, Retellings, Fantasy, MysteryISBN: 9781529344530Number of Pages: 452Publishing Date: November 17, 2020Cover Type: Paperback