A suspenseful Southern Gothic story, A House with Good Bones follows Sam, who returns to her childhood home to care for her mother and notices eerie changes in the house. From strange decor to haunting insects, the atmosphere shifts disturbingly as Sam unearths family secrets. Known for blending humor with horror, Kingfisher creates a tense yet darkly funny exploration of family, memory, and hidden histories that slowly reveal unsettling truths. Reviews “A blend of dark humor and horror, Kingfisher’s storytelling is perfect for fans of Southern Gothic horror.” — Publisher’s Weekly “Brilliantly creepy, unsettling, and unexpectedly funny.” — The Horror Review “Kingfisher expertly unravels a tale that’s both familiar and unnervingly fresh.” — Library Journal
Book Title: A House with Good Bones - T. KingfisherBook Genre: Horror, Fantasy, Gothic, Mystery, Paranormal, Thriller, ContemporaryISBN: 9781803364339Number of Pages: 304Publishing Date: March 28, 2023Cover Type: Hardcover