"Long Time Lost" is a gripping thriller where Nick Miller helps people disappear to escape their pasts. When he saves a woman named Beatrix from a violent man, they both become targets. Nick’s network of safe havens across Europe is tested as they are pursued by a relentless and mysterious enemy. The novel is a fast-paced journey through Europe, filled with suspense, twists, and the exploration of how far one will go to protect someone they care about. Reviews Publishers Weekly: "Chris Ewan’s 'Long Time Lost' is a masterfully crafted thriller with relentless pacing and intricate plotting. Ewan’s portrayal of a shadowy network dedicated to helping people disappear is both thrilling and thought-provoking. The novel’s European setting adds an extra layer of intrigue, making it a must-read for fans of international crime fiction." Kirkus Reviews: "'Long Time Lost' is a compelling and intricately woven thriller. Chris Ewan’s ability to create suspense and tension is unparalleled, and the characters are well-developed and engaging. The novel’s twists and turns keep readers guessing until the very end, making it a standout in the genre."
Book Title: Long Time Lost - Chris EwanBook Genre: Mystery Thriller, CrimeISBN: 9780571307494Number of Pages: 464Publishing Date: March 30, 2017Cover Type: Paperback