The Summer We All Ran Away by Cassandra Parkin is a gripping and evocative novel that intertwines the lives of multiple characters seeking refuge from their pasts in an abandoned manor house. The story follows Davey, a young boy who runs away from his neglectful home, and the mysterious house he discovers, which is occupied by a group of people with their own secrets and traumas. As they form an unconventional family, the novel explores themes of escape, redemption, and the power of human connection. Parkin's lyrical prose and richly drawn characters make this a compelling tale of survival and hope. Reviews Kirkus Reviews: "A beautifully crafted novel that explores the intricacies of human relationships and the redemptive power of community. Parkin’s narrative is both heart-wrenching and hopeful, making it a deeply satisfying read." Publishers Weekly: "Parkin’s debut novel is a compelling exploration of escape and belonging. The characters are vividly portrayed, and the story is woven with a lyrical quality that draws readers into the emotional depths of the narrative." Booklist: "With its rich prose and intricate character dynamics, The Summer We All Ran Away offers a profound look at the ways people seek solace and redemption. Parkin’s storytelling is immersive and emotionally resonant, making this a standout debut."
Book Title: The Summer We All Ran Away - Cassandra ParkinBook Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Young Adult, Literary Fiction, Love, Mystery Thriller, Music, DramaISBN: 9781789550443Number of Pages: 288Publishing Date: July 1, 2013Cover Type: Paperback