In the small town of Black Spring, the people live in constant fear of the "Hex," a woman who has been cursed to walk the streets, her eyes sewn shut and her mouth open in a permanent scream. The town’s residents have learned to live with the curse, but when outsiders begin to investigate the sinister history behind the Hex, long-hidden secrets start to surface, and the town’s grip on reality begins to falter. Reviews “An original and unsettling story that will haunt you long after you’ve finished. Heuvelt masterfully blends supernatural horror with deep psychological terror.” – The Guardian “A haunting and atmospheric book that redefines horror. Heuvelt’s chilling narrative will leave you on edge from start to finish.” – BookPage “This book is as eerie and twisted as it gets. A gripping, terrifying read that explores the dark side of human nature.” – Goodreads Review
Book Title: Hex - Thomas Olde HeuveltBook Genre: Horror, Fantasy, Thriller, Witches, Paranormal, Supernatural, MysteryISBN: 9781444793239Number of Pages: 384Publishing Date: April 17, 2013Cover Type: Paperback