"The Silence" by Tim Lebbon is a gripping horror novel that centers around a world overrun by terrifying, blind creatures known as Vesps. These predators hunt by sound, forcing humanity into silence to survive. The story follows Ally, a teenager who lost her hearing in a car accident, and her family as they attempt to escape to a remote refuge. As the Vesps' reign of terror spreads, the family must navigate a world where the smallest noise can lead to death. Along their journey, they encounter other survivors and face moral dilemmas, ultimately questioning what it means to be human in a world ruled by fear and silence. Reviews SFX Magazine: "Lebbon's 'The Silence' is a masterclass in tension and atmosphere. The novel's relentless pace and chilling premise make it a standout in modern horror fiction." HorrorTalk: "A terrifying and thought-provoking read. Lebbon's characters are richly developed, and the novel's exploration of silence as a survival mechanism is both unique and horrifying." Sci-Fi Bulletin: "With its eerie setting and relentless suspense, 'The Silence' is a must-read for horror enthusiasts. Lebbon's ability to create a palpable sense of dread is unmatched."
Book Title: The Silence - Tim LebbonBook Genre: Horror, Science Fiction, Post Apocalyptic, Thriller, Dystopia, Adult, SuspenseISBN: 9781789090505Number of Pages: 368Publishing Date: April 14, 2015Cover Type: Paperback