"2023: A Trilogy" is an unconventional and genre-defying novel by The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu. The book is a mix of dystopian fiction, social commentary, and surrealism, blending elements of science fiction and metafiction. Set in a future where global corporations and governments wield immense power, the story weaves together multiple narratives involving diverse characters, including internet activists, rogue AI, and a time-traveling ice-cream van. The novel explores themes of power, resistance, and the role of art and culture in shaping society. It's a chaotic, humorous, and thought-provoking exploration of a world that mirrors our own in unexpected ways. Reviews The Guardian: "A wild ride through a dystopian future that's as chaotic and unpredictable as the band behind it. '2023' is a unique blend of satire, sci-fi, and surrealism." Financial Times: "An ambitious and bewildering narrative that defies genre conventions. The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu offer a sharp, satirical look at our present and future." Publishers Weekly: "A challenging but rewarding read. '2023' is a bold, imaginative work that pushes the boundaries of what a novel can be."
Book Title: 2023: a trilogy - The Justified Ancients of Mu MuBook Genre: Science Fiction, Music, Dystopia, ComedyISBN: 9780571340729Number of Pages: 400Publishing Date: August 23, 2017Cover Type: Paperback