"The Hunted" by Gabriel Bergmoser is a gripping thriller set in the rugged Australian outback, where Frank, a young woman on the run, finds herself pursued by a group of relentless and dangerous men. As she navigates the unforgiving terrain, Frank must rely on her wits and survival skills to evade capture and stay alive. The novel unfolds as a tense and adrenaline-fueled chase, revealing layers of secrets, betrayals, and unexpected alliances among both pursuers and the pursued. Against the backdrop of a harsh and beautiful landscape that becomes a character in itself, Bergmoser weaves a narrative filled with heart-pounding suspense, compelling characters, and a relentless pace that keeps readers on the edge of their seats until the final page. Reviews The Guardian: "Gabriel Bergmoser's 'The Hunted' is a gripping thriller that captures the harsh beauty and danger of the Australian bush. The novel's protagonist, Frank, is a compelling and resourceful character whose journey through the wilderness is fraught with tension and surprises. Bergmoser's writing is taut and atmospheric, making this novel a must-read for fans of high-stakes suspense." Publishers Weekly: "Bergmoser's 'The Hunted' is a heart-pounding thriller that doesn't let up. The relentless pursuit and Frank's desperate bid for survival create a sense of urgency that keeps readers glued to the page. With its vivid setting and well-drawn characters, this novel is a standout in the genre." Booklist: "In 'The Hunted,' Gabriel Bergmoser crafts a thrilling narrative filled with action, suspense, and unexpected twists. The Australian outback serves as a formidable backdrop, enhancing the novel's atmosphere and intensity. Bergmoser's ability to blend heart-pounding excitement with emotional depth makes this book a compelling read for thriller enthusiasts."
Book Title: The Hunted - Gabriel BergmoserBook Genre: Horror, Crime, Australia, Suspense, Adult, Mystery ThrillerISBN: 9780571358663Number of Pages: 288Publishing Date: January 1, 2020Cover Type: Paperback