"The Glorious Heresies" intertwines the lives of multiple characters caught in the web of crime, redemption, and the complexities of modern Irish society. Set in the gritty streets of Cork, the novel revolves around Maureen, a feisty old woman who accidentally kills a man, setting off a chain of events that entangle her son Jimmy, a gangster named Tony, a troubled teenager named Ryan, and a prostitute named Georgie. Through their interconnected stories, the novel delves into themes of family, guilt, survival, and the quest for identity amidst urban decay. Reviews The Guardian: "A dark, mercilessly funny and fiercely intelligent exploration of a housing estate and a community, spiralling towards inevitable violence." - The Guardian's review praises McInerney's ability to blend dark humor with a gritty portrayal of urban life, highlighting the novel's sharp social commentary and richly drawn characters. The Irish Times: "McInerney writes with an authority and wit that makes her performance not just skilful but thrilling." - The Irish Times' review celebrates McInerney's narrative skill and the novel's exploration of contemporary Irish identity and urban existence. The New York Times - "In 'The Glorious Heresies,' Lisa McInerney crafts a vivid portrait of Cork's underbelly with unflinching realism and dark humor. Her characters are beautifully flawed and deeply human, caught in a web of crime and consequence that unfolds with cinematic intensity. This novel is a triumph of storytelling, blending social commentary with gripping narrative to create an unforgettable reading experience."
Book Title: The Glorious Heresies - Lisa McInerneyBook Genre: Irish Literature, Contemporary, Literary Fiction, Mystery, Crime, Adult Fiction, ThrillerISBN: 9781444798883Number of Pages: 371Publishing Date: January 1, 2001 Cover Type: Paperback