"Left Neglected" follows the story of Sarah Nickerson, a high-powered executive and mother, whose life is turned upside down after a car accident leaves her with a traumatic brain injury. The injury results in "left neglect," a condition where she loses awareness of everything on her left side. As Sarah struggles to adapt to her new reality, she reevaluates her priorities and learns to find joy and fulfillment in unexpected places. Reviews Kirkus Reviews: "Genova's second novel is a powerful, often heartbreaking look at how a life can change in an instant. Her ability to convey the complexities of neurological conditions through compelling characters is remarkable." Library Journal: "A deeply moving and insightful novel. Genova’s understanding of the human brain and her ability to translate that into an engaging narrative makes 'Left Neglected' both educational and emotionally resonant." The Washington Post: "Genova weaves a gripping tale of a woman’s struggle to rebuild her life after a devastating injury. 'Left Neglected' is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of love and family."
Book Title: Left Neglected - Lisa GenovaBook Genre: Contemporary, Medical, Adult Fiction, Psychology, Chick Lit, FamilyISBN: 9781471100512Number of Pages: 406Publishing Date: January 4, 2011Cover Type: Paperback