"I Know What You've Done" is a gripping suburban thriller set in the affluent Acacia Village. The story revolves around Rae, who receives a diary from her neighbor Priscilla just before she dies under suspicious circumstances. The diary contains dark secrets of the residents, including Rae's own husband. As Rae delves deeper, she uncovers shocking truths and must decide whether to hand over the diary to the police or keep the secrets hidden. Reviews "Deliciously dark and full of shocking twists, 'I Know What You've Done' is an addictive page-turner." - Gillian Flynn, author of Gone Girl "With its clever plotting, richly drawn characters, and an atmosphere of building dread, 'I Know What You've Done' is a masterclass in psychological suspense. Toner expertly ratchets up the tension as the past comes back to haunt her protagonists, leading to a pulse-pounding climax that will leave you reeling. This is a compulsive, addictive thriller that will linger in your mind long after you've turned the final page." - The Guardian
Book Title: I Know What You've Done - Dorothy KoomsonBook Genre: Mystery Thriller, Suspense, Psychological Thriller, Family, Murder Mystery, AdultISBN: 9781472277374Number of Pages: 432Publishing Date: April 26, 2022Cover Type: Paperback