"Fifth Column" by Andrew Gross is a thrilling historical novel set in the United States on the eve of World War II. The story follows Charles Mossman, a disgraced journalist who witnesses a brutal murder by a group of Nazi sympathizers in New York City. As he digs deeper, he uncovers a dangerous conspiracy involving a Fifth Column — a network of Nazi spies and sympathizers plotting to undermine the U.S. war effort from within. Mossman must navigate a web of espionage, deceit, and danger to expose the truth and protect his country. Reviews Publishers Weekly: "Andrew Gross delivers a pulse-pounding thriller in 'Fifth Column,' expertly blending historical fact with a gripping fictional narrative. The suspense is relentless as Mossman uncovers a web of espionage and betrayal. Gross's attention to historical detail and his ability to craft compelling characters make this a standout novel." Kirkus Reviews: "'Fifth Column' is a masterful historical thriller that captures the tension and paranoia of America on the brink of World War II. Gross's meticulous research and engaging storytelling create a vivid and immersive experience. The novel's fast-paced plot and well-drawn characters make it a must-read for fans of espionage and history." Historical Novel Society: "Andrew Gross's 'Fifth Column' is a riveting tale of espionage and intrigue set against the backdrop of pre-war America. The novel's protagonist, Charles Mossman, is a compelling and relatable hero, and Gross's depiction of the era is both authentic and atmospheric. This is a gripping and thought-provoking read that will keep readers on the edge of their seats."
Book Title: The Fifth Column - Andrew GrossBook Genre: Historical Fiction, Historical, Suspense, World War II, Mystery ThrillerISBN: 9781509878444Number of Pages: 336Publishing Date: April 2, 2020Cover Type: Paperback