"Close Your Eyes" is a gripping and emotionally charged young adult novel that delves into the aftermath of a school shooting. The story follows the lives of several students and their families as they navigate the trauma and confusion in the wake of the tragedy. Cloke’s sensitive and nuanced storytelling captures the raw emotions and complex relationships of the characters, creating a powerful narrative that explores themes of grief, resilience, and the impact of violence on a community. Reviews Kirkus Reviews: "Cloke’s 'Close Your Eyes' is a powerful and emotionally charged exploration of grief and resilience. The novel’s gripping narrative and nuanced characters make it a compelling and thought-provoking read." Publishers Weekly: "A masterful and sensitive novel, 'Close Your Eyes' captivates with its rich character development and poignant storytelling. Cloke’s exploration of the aftermath of a school shooting is both compelling and heart-wrenching." BookPage: "Nicci Cloke delivers a powerful and moving narrative in 'Close Your Eyes.' The novel’s exploration of grief, resilience, and the impact of violence on a community is both thought-provoking and emotionally resonant."
Book Title: Close Your Eyes - Nicci ClokeBook Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Realistic Fiction, ThrillerISBN: 9781471406218Number of Pages: 304Publishing Date: January 1, 2017Cover Type: Paperback