"All the Lonely People" by Mike Gayle centers around Hubert Bird, an 82-year-old widower who lives a solitary life in London. His only regular contact is a weekly phone call with his daughter, who lives in Australia. Hubert's life begins to change when his new neighbor, Ashleigh, a single mother, starts to befriend him, bringing new energy and connections into his isolated existence. The novel alternates between the present and Hubert's past, tracing his journey from Jamaica to England as part of the Windrush generation, and highlighting themes of loneliness, community, and resilience. Reviews Kirkus Reviews praises "All the Lonely People" for its timely exploration of loneliness and community, highlighting how it resonates with current societal issues. The review appreciates Gayle's skill in balancing a feel-good narrative with deeper, more complex themes. BookBrowse commends the novel for its charming and heartwarming portrayal of Hubert's journey. It emphasizes the dual narrative structure that effectively captures Hubert's past struggles and present transformation. The review also notes the novel's exploration of social isolation and the importance of community in contemporary society. What’s Better Than Books lauds the book's characterization, particularly the depth given to Hubert and his relationships with others. The review highlights the novel's blend of light-hearted moments with poignant, thought-provoking themes, making it a compelling read for a broad audience
Book Title: All The Lonely People - Mike GayleBook Genre: Contemporary, Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, Adult Fiction, Family, RomanceISBN: 9781473687417Number of Pages: 357Publishing Date: January 1, 2021Cover Type: Paperback