Set against the backdrop of Belfast during the Blitz of 1941, These Days tells the story of two sisters, Audrey and Emma, whose lives are disrupted by the wartime chaos. Audrey is dealing with her engagement, while Emma has a secret love affair that threatens to unravel her world. The novel explores the emotional turmoil of living in a city under siege, weaving together themes of love, identity, and self-discovery, all while capturing the resilience of the human spirit. Reviews Irish Times: "A moving, intimate portrait of life in Belfast during the Blitz. Caldwell’s ability to convey the turmoil of wartime while focusing on the emotional lives of her characters is masterful." The Guardian: "An engrossing novel that beautifully balances personal and historical conflicts. Caldwell’s writing is evocative, with a deep understanding of her characters' inner lives." BookPage: "Caldwell’s novel is a quiet, powerful exploration of love, loss, and resilience, set against the dramatic backdrop of a city at war."
Book Title: These Days - Lucy CaldwellBook Genre: Historical Fiction, Irish Literature, LGBT, World War II, Literary FictionISBN: 9780571371303Number of Pages: 276Publishing Date: March 3, 2022Cover Type: Hardcover