Set against a backdrop of social upheavals, including #MeToo and the pandemic, Broken Light follows Bernie, a woman whose supernatural abilities surface during menopause. The story delves into themes of anger, empowerment, and redemption as Bernie navigates a patriarchal society while exploring her newfound powers. Drawing comparisons to Stephen King’s Carrie but with a feminist twist, the novel explores how suppressed emotions can erupt into transformative power. Reviews "A timely and provocative exploration of power and visibility in a world that often marginalizes women." – The Guardian "Harris masterfully blends social commentary with gripping storytelling." – Bookliterati "An empowering novel that challenges societal norms and gives voice to suppressed anger." – A Goodreads Reviewer
Book Title: Broken Light - Joanne HarrisBook Genre: Magical Realism, Contemporary, Mystery, Fantasy, Thriller, Crime, British Literature, FeminismISBN: 9781398710825Number of Pages: 400Publishing Date: May 11, 2023Cover Type: Hardcover