Set in the turmoil of the American Civil War, Flags on the Bayou tells a haunting story of loyalty, betrayal, and survival in the Deep South. Through a tapestry of interconnected lives, from enslaved individuals to Confederate soldiers, Burke portrays the moral and physical devastation of war. His signature prose brings the Louisiana bayou to life, creating a backdrop of eerie beauty against the brutal realities of conflict. This novel is a meditation on humanity's resilience in the face of unthinkable adversity. Reviews “Burke’s poetic prose captures the essence of the bayou, making it as much a character as the people in his story.” — The New York Times “A gripping and poignant tale of the Civil War’s shadow on humanity. Burke’s storytelling is unparalleled.” — Kirkus Reviews “Raw, honest, and atmospheric, Flags on the Bayou is an unflinching exploration of war’s toll.” — Publishers Weekly
Book Title: Flags on the Bayou - James Lee BurkeBook Genre: Historical Fiction, Civil War, Southern, Mystery Thriller, Literary FictionISBN: 9781398715523Number of Pages: 320Publishing Date: July 11, 2023Cover Type: Paperback