"The Man I Think I Know" by Mike Gayle is a heartfelt novel that follows the intertwined lives of two former classmates, Danny Allen and James DeWitt, who reconnect years after their school days. Danny, once full of potential, is now struggling with his life after a series of personal failures. James, who was a high achiever, is now grappling with the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury that has drastically altered his life. Their unexpected reunion leads to a poignant and transformative friendship that helps both men confront their pasts and redefine their futures. Reviews The Guardian: "Mike Gayle's 'The Man I Think I Know' is a beautifully written, deeply moving exploration of friendship and redemption. Gayle masterfully depicts the struggles of his characters, making their journeys both relatable and inspiring. This novel is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the healing power of connection." Publishers Weekly: "In 'The Man I Think I Know,' Mike Gayle delivers a touching narrative filled with emotional depth and nuanced characters. The novel's exploration of personal failure, trauma, and the redemptive power of friendship is both heart-wrenching and uplifting. Gayle's storytelling is poignant and compelling, making this a must-read." Booklist: "Mike Gayle's 'The Man I Think I Know' is a remarkable story about second chances and the enduring impact of friendship. Gayle's ability to weave humor and heart into the narrative creates a book that is both entertaining and profoundly moving. Readers will find themselves rooting for Danny and James as they navigate their complicated lives and discover the true meaning of success and happiness."
Book Title: The Man I Think I Know - Mike GayleBook Genre: Contemporary, Chick Lit, Romance, Mental Health, British Literature, Literary FictionISBN: 9781473608993Number of Pages: 320Publishing Date: June 14, 2018 Cover Type: Paperback