"Seven Days in June" is a captivating romance novel about two writers, Eva Mercy and Shane Hall, who reconnect after fifteen years of separation. During a steamy week in Brooklyn, they navigate their complicated past and present emotions. The story is a blend of humor, romance, and poignant observations about life, motherhood, and the creative process. Reviews Kirkus Reviews praises "Seven Days in June" as a witty, romantic, and sexy novel that balances drama and humor while addressing relevant social issues. The review highlights the book's ability to illustrate the complexities of love, motherhood, and creative life, making it both entertaining and thought-provoking. Love in Panels - This review lauds the book for its raw emotional journey and beautifully crafted characters. It appreciates the dual narrative that alternates between the past and present, effectively showing the growth and healing of both protagonists. The review also commends the realistic portrayal of Eva's struggles with chronic migraines and the nuanced depiction of their romance. According to The Nerd Daily, the novel combines romance, heat, and humor with insightful commentary on contemporary issues. The characters are well-developed, and the story is both uplifting and realistic, exploring whether Eva and Shane can move beyond their past and find happiness together. The review highlights the novel's smart, sexy, and complex narrative.
Book Title: Seven Days in June - Tia WilliamsBook Genre: Contemporary Romance, Adult Fiction, Chick Lit, Books About BooksISBN: 9781529418934Number of Pages: 327Publishing Date: June 7, 2022Cover Type: Paperback