"Kill A Stranger" is a fast-paced and thrilling novel by Simon Kernick. The story begins with Matt, who wakes up to find his girlfriend Kate missing and a dead body in their home. Soon, Matt receives a chilling message: to save Kate, he must kill a stranger. As Matt navigates this terrifying ultimatum, he uncovers a conspiracy that forces him to question everything he thought he knew. The novel is a tense and relentless thriller that keeps the reader hooked from the first page to the last. Reviews The Guardian: "A relentless and gripping thriller. Kernick's latest novel is a masterclass in tension and pacing." The Times: "Simon Kernick delivers another page-turner. 'Kill A Stranger' is a fast-paced, high-stakes thriller that keeps you guessing." Crime Fiction Lover: "An adrenaline-fueled ride from start to finish. Kernick's writing is sharp and engaging, making this a must-read for thriller enthusiasts."
Book Title: Kill A Stranger - Simon KernickBook Genre: Thriller, Crime, Mystery, Psychological Thriller, Action, ContemporaryISBN: 9781472270979Number of Pages: 384Publishing Date: November 26, 2020Cover Type: Paperback