"Hope Nicely's Lessons for Life" follows the journey of Hope, a young woman with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, as she navigates life's challenges and pursues her dream of becoming a writer. Through a creative writing class, Hope learns valuable life lessons, finds her voice, and forms meaningful connections with those around her. This heartwarming novel explores themes of acceptance, resilience, and the power of community. Reviews The Guardian: "Caroline Day’s debut novel is a touching and poignant exploration of life through the eyes of an unforgettable protagonist. Hope’s journey is both heartwarming and inspiring, making this a must-read for anyone who appreciates stories of personal growth and resilience." Booklist: "Hope Nicely’s Lessons for Life is a beautifully written and deeply empathetic novel. Caroline Day captures the struggles and triumphs of her protagonist with sensitivity and grace, creating a story that resonates long after the final page."
Book Title: Hope Nicely's Lessons for Life - Caroline DayBook Genre: Contemporary, Coming Of Age, HumourISBN: 9781838778323Number of Pages: 480Publishing Date: July 22, 2021 Cover Type: Paperback