"Comrade Koba" is a historical novel that provides an imaginative and intimate look at the early life of Joseph Stalin, known as Koba. The story is told through the eyes of Leon, a young boy who forms a bond with the future dictator. As their friendship grows, Leon begins to see the darker side of Koba's ambitions and the ruthless path he is willing to take to achieve power. Littell's novel is a chilling and thought-provoking exploration of the making of a tyrant. Reviews The Washington Post: "Littell's portrayal of Stalin's early years is both compelling and unsettling. 'Comrade Koba' is a powerful study of ambition and cruelty." The New York Times: "A richly detailed and imaginative narrative. Littell's storytelling is both engaging and chilling, making for a memorable read." Kirkus Reviews: "An engrossing and disturbing look at the making of a dictator. Littell's novel is a masterful blend of history and fiction."
Book Title: Comrade Koba - Robert LittellBook Genre: Historical Fiction, Espionage, RussiaISBN: 9781419748325Number of Pages: 160Publishing Date: November 10, 2020Cover Type: Hardcover