Cobalt Blue is a gripping, fast-paced novella set in a world where superheroes are at the heart of a Cold War-style confrontation. The story focuses on Cassie, the daughter of America’s now-deceased superhero, Cobalt. As Russia’s superhero, Fury, poses an existential threat, Cassie and her siblings must rise to protect their homeland. With relentless action, brutal battles, and escalating stakes, Reilly crafts a narrative that combines superhero drama with intense military-style adventure. Reviews "Matthew Reilly’s Cobalt Blue is a relentless adrenaline rush from start to finish, showcasing his signature style of action-packed storytelling." – Supanova Comic Con & Gaming "With vivid, fast-paced chapters and high stakes, it’s impossible to put down." – Supanova Comic Con & Gaming "A dark yet thrilling dive into the superhero genre, combining grit and heroism seamlessly." – Anonymous Review
Book Title: Cobalt Blue - Matthew ReillyBook Genre: Action, Science Fiction, Thriller, Fantasy, Superheroes, Adventure, SuspenseISBN: 9781398716063Number of Pages: 288Publishing Date: August 2, 2022Cover Type: Hardcover