In the distant future, humanity is at war with an alien race, and the crew of the starship Ostrakon is sent on a mission that will take them to the very edges of the known universe. As tensions rise and secrets are uncovered, the boundaries between survival and sacrifice blur. Captain Roan, a hardened leader, must navigate through betrayal, shifting alliances, and the haunting echoes of a universe in turmoil. Reviews “Forsaken Skies is a fast-paced, action-filled sci-fi adventure that blends military drama with intricate world-building. A gripping start to a new series that is sure to captivate fans of the genre.” – Kirkus Reviews “D. Nolan Clark has a unique voice in the world of space opera. His world-building and the depth of his characters are standout features in this engaging, suspenseful narrative.” – Publishers Weekly “A thrilling blend of space warfare, moral complexity, and gripping action. Clark has created a universe that feels both vast and personal.” – Goodreads Review
Book Title: Forsaken Skies - D. Nolan ClarkBook Genre: Science Fiction, Space Opera, Aliens, Space, Fantasy, Military FictionISBN: 9780356507477Number of Pages: 576Publishing Date: September 6, 2016Cover Type: Paperback