In the aftermath of a nuclear war, the remnants of humanity survive in the subway tunnels beneath Moscow. Artyom, a young man from one of the metro stations, embarks on a dangerous journey to find a way to save his people from an unknown threat. The novel immerses readers in a world where humanity's survival is constantly at risk, and every choice could mean life or death. Reviews "A haunting, immersive experience. Metro 2033 is a bleak, tense journey into the darkness of the human condition." — The Guardian "An extraordinary post-apocalyptic tale, Metro 2033 is a must-read for fans of the genre. Glukhovsky’s world is one of desperation, mystery, and hope." — BookPage
Book Title: Metro 2033 - Dmitry GlukhovskyBook Genre: Science Fiction, Horror, Post Apocalyptic, Dystopia, Fantasy, Russian LiteratureISBN: 9780575086258Number of Pages: 458Publishing Date: April 1, 2002Cover Type: Paperback