Set during the horrors of World War II, While Paris Slept tells the story of two families whose lives are irrevocably changed by the war. In Paris, a young Jewish woman named Charlotte is forced to make a heart-wrenching decision in order to save her newborn child from the Nazi regime. As the story unfolds, readers witness the lives of Charlotte, her child, and the family that helps her, intertwined in ways that will last beyond the war’s end. This novel explores the intersection of love, survival, guilt, and hope as it examines the sacrifices that people are willing to make for those they love, and how the past never fully lets go. Reviews “Ruth Druart’s debut is a powerful and emotional journey through love, loss, and survival during World War II. The heartbreak is palpable, and the story’s authenticity makes it a deeply moving read.” – BookPage “With masterful storytelling and a delicate exploration of guilt and sacrifice, Druart has crafted a historical novel that lingers long after the last page.” – Historical Novels Review “An evocative and unforgettable tale of two families torn apart and reshaped by the ravages of war. The characters are well-developed, and the emotional weight of the story will resonate with readers who enjoy poignant historical fiction.” – Library Journal
Book Title: While Paris Slept - Ruth DruartBook Genre: Historical Fiction, War, FranceISBN: 9781472267962Number of Pages: 512Publishing Date: February 23, 2021Cover Type: Hardcover