This novel explores the complexities surrounding the divisive issue of abortion in America through the lives of two families. Luther Dunphy, a staunch anti-abortion activist, murders Dr. Gus Voorhees, an abortion provider. The story delves deeply into the pain and resilience of their families as they struggle with grief, faith, forgiveness, and justice. Through alternating perspectives, Oates presents a thought-provoking narrative on morality, personal conviction, and the far-reaching impact of violence on both sides of a cultural divide. Reviews “Oates crafts an intimate, devastating story about belief and violence.” — The New York Times “A courageous novel that stirs empathy for all involved.” — The Washington Post “Masterfully written and unflinching in its exploration of America’s deep divisions.” — Publisher’s Weekly
Book Title: A Book of American Martyrs - Joyce Carol OatesBook Genre: Contemporary, Literary Fiction, Politics, ReligionISBN: 9780008221676Number of Pages: 736Publishing Date: February 7, 2017Cover Type: Hardcover