Verge by Nadia Attia is a captivating speculative novel that blends magical realism with psychological intrigue. The story follows Lina, a young woman who, after a tragic event, finds herself in a strange and distorted world. As she encounters enigmatic characters and uncovers hidden truths, Lina navigates a reality that challenges her understanding of her past and the forces shaping her world. Attia creates a haunting and thought-provoking narrative, exploring themes of identity, memory, and the search for meaning in a world on the brink of change. Reviews "Had me gripped from start to finish ... timely, horrifying, and hugely entertaining." - Kiran Millwood Hargrave, author of The Dance Tree. "Verge is a story of unity in light of a disunited Kingdom. Attia has written a vibrant and devastating tale of loss and love that strikes a minor melody at your very heart. Halim and Rowena are characters to treasure." - Saara El-Arifi, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Final Strife.
Book Title - Verge by Nadia AttiaBook Genre - Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Magical Realism, PsychologicalISBN - 9781800810150Number Of Pages - 272Publishing Date - May 11, 2023Cover Type - Hardcover