This Will Be Funny Someday follows Izzy, a shy sixteen-year-old who stumbles into a comedy club and accidentally takes the stage, discovering a hidden talent for stand-up comedy. As Izzy navigates the ups and downs of high school and her newfound passion, she learns to find her voice and confidence both on and off the stage. Katie Henry's novel is a heartfelt and humorous coming-of-age story about self-discovery and the power of laughter. Reviews Kirkus Reviews: "Katie Henry delivers a heartfelt and humorous coming-of-age story that captures the highs and lows of teenage life. Izzy's journey to find her voice in the world of stand-up comedy is both inspiring and relatable. A delightful read with a powerful message." Publishers Weekly: "Henry's witty prose and authentic portrayal of adolescence make this novel a standout. The exploration of self-discovery and the courage to pursue one's passion is handled with sensitivity and humor. Readers will cheer for Izzy as she navigates the challenges of growing up." School Library Journal: "A refreshing and engaging story about finding confidence and identity through comedy. Henry's characters are vibrant and relatable, and the plot is filled with both laugh-out-loud moments and touching insights. A must-read for fans of contemporary YA fiction."
Book Title: This Will Be Funny Someday - Katie HenryBook Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Humour, Realistic Fiction, Comedy, Coming Of AgeISBN: 9780062955708Number of Pages: 400Publishing Date: January 19, 2021Cover Type: Hardcover