The narrative unfolds across two timelines. In the present, Emily is a struggling writer, and Chess is a successful influencer. They reunite at a picturesque Italian villa that once hosted a group of creatives in the 1970s. In the past timeline, a group of artists and musicians gathered at the villa, leading to a night of violence that would forever change its legacy. As Emily uncovers the villa’s history, old tensions between her and Chess resurface, revealing the fragility of their friendship. The story interweaves themes of ambition, jealousy, and the complexities of female relationships. Reviews "A dual-timeline masterpiece, Hawkins expertly balances gothic allure with modern-day suspense." — The New York Times "An unputdownable tale of secrets, ambition, and the shadows of the past." — Kirkus Reviews "With a lush setting and unforgettable twists, The Villa is a psychological thriller to savor." — Booklist "Rachel Hawkins delivers a stunning exploration of friendship, creativity, and the sinister beauty of secrets." — Library Journal
Book Title: The Villa - Rachel HawkinsBook Genre: Mystery Thriller, Crime, Suspense, Gothic, Historical FictionISBN: 9781035409570Number of Pages: 288Publishing Date: January 3, 2023Cover Type: Paperback