In the fictional Rust Belt town of Vacca Vale, a dilapidated apartment complex known as The Rabbit Hutch houses a collection of lives on the margins. At its heart is Blandine, a teenager navigating a world of abandonment, longing, and defiance. As the lives of the Rabbit Hutch's residents collide in unexpected and transformative ways, the novel unfolds into a powerful exploration of love, loss, and human connection in a world of economic and emotional decay. Reviews "A haunting and beautiful debut that lingers in the mind long after reading." — The New York Times Book Review "Gunty’s prose is dazzling—this is a novel of immense power and beauty." — The Guardian "An unforgettable tapestry of interconnected lives." — Kirkus Reviews "A remarkable debut that signals the arrival of a major new voice in fiction." — Publisher’s Weekly
Book Title: The Rabbit Hutch - Tess GuntyBook Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Literary Fiction, Coming Of Age, HorrorISBN: 9780861543656Number of Pages: 352Publishing Date: July 21, 2022Cover Type: Hardcover