The Graveyard Shift by Maria Lewis is an electrifying urban fantasy novel set in the hidden supernatural underworld of a modern city. The story follows Seraphine, a detective working the night shift on extraordinary cases. When a series of mysterious deaths points to dark magic and ancient curses, Seraphine uncovers unexpected ties to her own past, challenging everything she knows about herself and her world. Lewis masterfully blends fast-paced action, intricate world-building, and compelling characters, delivering a thrilling and deeply engaging narrative. Reviews “A fast paced, thrilling murder mystery novel, paying homage to slasher films of the 90’s, The Graveyard Shift is the perfect Halloween read for fans of Riley Sager and Grady Hendrix.” – Jump Scares. “Horror fans may get a kick out of the abundant soundtrack-focused trivia,” – Publishers Weekly.
Book Title - The Graveyard Shift by Maria LewisBook Genre - Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Supernatural Mystery, ThrillerISBN - 9781915523068Number Of Pages - 319Publishing Date - September 12, 2023Cover Type - Paperback