"The Dangerous Kind" is a gripping psychological thriller that delves into the dark underbelly of society, exploring themes of abuse, power, and hidden secrets. The story follows Jessamine Gooch, a radio presenter, who becomes embroiled in a chilling investigation when she looks into a missing person case. As she digs deeper, she uncovers a web of lies and danger that threatens not only her but those around her. The novel expertly weaves multiple narratives and timelines, creating a tense and compelling read that keeps the reader on edge. Reviews The Times: "A gripping and unsettling thriller that keeps you guessing until the very end. O'Connor masterfully blends suspense with social commentary." Crime Review: "An intense and thought-provoking novel that explores the darker side of human nature. 'The Dangerous Kind' is a must-read for thriller fans." The Guardian: "Deborah O'Connor's storytelling is both captivating and chilling. A complex narrative that reveals the sinister secrets lurking beneath the surface."
Book Title: The Dangerous Kind - Deborah O'ConnorBook Genre: Crime, Contemporary, Psychological Thriller, Mystery ThrillerISBN: 9781785766046Number of Pages: 448Publishing Date: January 1, 2019Cover Type: Hardcover