The Botanist’s Daughter follows the intertwined stories of two women in different centuries. In 1770, a botanist's daughter named Rose is caught up in an adventure that changes her life and the world of science forever. In the present day, a young researcher named Millie is tasked with uncovering the secrets of Rose’s life, leading her to uncover buried truths. This novel explores the impact of botany, female scientists, and secrets long hidden in the pursuit of knowledge. This book is perfect for readers who enjoy historical fiction with a scientific twist. Fans of The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See or The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende will be drawn to its themes of women’s roles in history and the intertwining of personal and scientific narratives. Reviews The Sunday Times: "Nunn creates a richly atmospheric world that spans centuries, blending botany, mystery, and historical intrigue." Goodreads Review by Sarah S.: "A compelling and emotionally resonant story. The mix of history, botany, and personal discovery made this book a page-turner." BookPage: "A captivating tale of science, secrets, and the untold stories of women throughout history."
Book Title: The Botanist's Daughter by Kayte NunnBook Genre: Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, British LiteratureISBN: 9781409190530Number of Pages: 400Publishing Date: April 18, 2019Cover Type: Paperback