Sweet Heart by Peter James is a haunting supernatural thriller that explores the terrifying consequences of awakening dark forces. The story centres around Charley, a successful photographer, who moves to the idyllic countryside with her husband, hoping to leave behind the stress of city life. However, their new home, a remote and ancient house, harbours a sinister past. As Charley begins to experience strange and frightening occurrences, she becomes obsessed with uncovering the truth about the house. The more she learns, the more she realises that she has disturbed something that was meant to be left alone. Peter James weaves a tale of suspense, fear, and the supernatural, creating a chilling narrative that keeps readers on edge until the very end. Reviews ‘This book inflicts more shocks than an electric fence.’ - Daily Mail ‘James has been compared with Stephen King, but in many ways he’s better.’ - Daily Express ‘Peter James is getting better with every book.’ - Times
Book Title - Sweet Heart by Peter JamesBook Genre - Fiction, Supernatural, Horror, Psychological ThrillerISBN - 9781409181293Number Of Pages - 352Publishing Date - May 28, 2019Cover Type - Paperback