Set in a small seaside town, Queenie Malone’s Paradise Hotel follows the life of Queenie, a former actress who runs a guesthouse. When a mysterious woman arrives asking about Queenie’s past, Queenie is forced to confront long-buried secrets. As she navigates family drama, forgiveness, and self-discovery, Queenie uncovers the truth about her life and relationships.This book is ideal for readers who enjoy character-driven stories with a touch of mystery. Fans of authors like Kate Morton or Freya North will enjoy the themes of family, secrets, and personal growth. Reviews The Independent: "A captivating and deeply moving story that will make you laugh, cry, and reflect on the importance of family and second chances. The Guardian: "Ruth Hogan's writing is enchanting, and this novel about a woman coming to terms with her past is as warm and uplifting as it is insightful."
Book Title: Queenie Malone's Paradise Hotel by Ruth HoganBook Genre: Women Author, Contemporary, Chick Lit, Magical Realism,British LiteratureISBN: 9781473669031Number of Pages: 352Publishing Date: 2020Cover Type: Paperback