The story follows Madame Burova, a psychic medium who helps people by connecting them with their loved ones in the afterlife. However, when a new client arrives with a troubling connection to her own past, Madame Burova’s carefully constructed life begins to unravel. As the layers of her own history are revealed, she must confront the secrets she's kept buried for years, all while navigating the lives of the people she's helped. Reviews "Ruth Hogan’s trademark charm and emotional depth shine through in Madame Burova, which blends warmth, mysticism, and family secrets in a beautifully written narrative." – The Guardian "A heartwarming, slightly magical tale that’s both poignant and charming, Madame Burova explores the importance of facing one’s past while embracing the future." – BookPage "Fans of Hogan’s previous works will appreciate this novel’s mix of romance, nostalgia, and a touch of magic." – Goodreads Review
Book Title: Madame Burova - Ruth HoganBook Genre: Historical Fiction, Magical Realism, Fantasy, Mystery, Contemporary, Romance, Chick LitISBN: 9781529373332Number of Pages: 368Publishing Date: April 1, 2021Cover Type: Paperback