Possession by Peter James is a chilling novel that delves into the terrifying world of the supernatural. The story follows the life of a young woman named Fabian Hightower, who, after her tragic death, seems to reach out from beyond the grave to her grieving mother, Alex. As Alex becomes consumed by the belief that Fabian's spirit is trying to communicate with her, she begins to uncover disturbing details that hint at a sinister force at work. As the line between reality and the supernatural blurs, Alex is drawn deeper into a haunting mystery that threatens her sanity. Peter James masterfully weaves a tale of suspense, fear, and the unknown, creating a narrative that lingers long after the final page. Reviews 'One of the best crime writers in the business.' - Karin Slaughter 'Genuinely frightening ... only Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Stephen King's The Shining have scared me as much.' - Evening Standard
Book Title - Possession by Peter James Book Genre - Fiction, Supernatural, Horror, Psychological SuspenseISBN - 9781409181279Number Of Pages - 320Publishing Date - January 19, 2021Cover Type - Paperback