A dual-narrative story that spans the 1930s and 1960s, Muse explores themes of artistic inspiration, identity, and the unseen forces shaping history. In 1936 Spain, Olive Schloss discovers a hidden talent for painting, but her work ends up attributed to another. Meanwhile, in 1967 London, aspiring writer Odelle Bastien uncovers a mysterious masterpiece tied to Olive’s story. This richly layered novel illuminates the sacrifices made for art and truth. Reviews "A triumph of narrative ambition and emotional intelligence." — The Guardian "Burton writes with a painter’s eye for detail, crafting scenes that come alive in the mind." — The Independent "A hauntingly beautiful exploration of art and self-worth." — The Sunday Times
Book Title: Muse - Jessie BurtonBook Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery, Spain, ContemporaryISBN: 9781447250975Number of Pages: 447Publishing Date: June 28, 2016Cover Type: Paperback