Meet Kamala, Revathi, and Jason as they navigate personal challenges and find solace in their beloved middle-class haven in Chennai, India called Grand Life Apartments. But when a developer threatens their home, they must rally together to protect their cherished home. In this heartwarming debut novel by Hema Sukumar, discover a tale of love, resilience, and the power of community. Reviews “From the vibrant setting to its engaging characters, this joyous novel is a feast for the senses, as well as the soul” - Joanna Nell “A super warm and lovely read ... Should have a warning WILL MAKE YOU HUNGRY!” - Kate Sawyer “Hema Sukumar's debut is an absolute joy. I loved being transported to the Grand Life Apartments and I was bewitched by the characters, colours, and tastes of Chennai. Please can I move in forever?” - Clare Pooley
Book Title: Minor Disturbance at Grand Life Apartments - Hema SukumarBook Genre: Humorous Fiction, Urban Fiction, Family LifeISBN: 9781399708463Number of Pages: 304Publishing Date: 27th July 2023Cover Type: Hardback