Home Before Dark by Riley Sager is a gripping thriller that intertwines a chilling ghost story with a twist-filled mystery. The novel follows Maggie Holt, who, as a child, lived for three weeks in Baneberry Hall, a sprawling and sinister mansion with a dark history. Her father’s bestselling book, House of Horrors, chronicled their experiences there, detailing ghostly encounters and unexplained phenomena. Now, twenty-five years later, Maggie inherits the house after her father’s death, despite her scepticism about the events he described. Determined to uncover the truth, Maggie returns to Baneberry Hall, only to find that some secrets are better left buried. As she delves deeper into the mansion's past, Maggie confronts the terrifying possibility that her father’s book might not have been fiction after all. Riley Sager masterfully combines suspense, tension, and the supernatural, creating a story that will keep readers on edge from start to finish. Reviews “A dark, frightening and twisty story that you won't be able to put down. Read with the lights on!”- Shari Lapena. “Flawless pacing, a dexterous dual narrative, and character through the roof. But the biggest revelation to be found in Home Before Dark is this: There's nobody writing scarier books than Riley Sager is right now” - Josh Malerman, bestselling author of, BIRD BOX.
Book Title - Home Before Dark - Riley SagerBook Genre - Fiction, Thriller, Horror, Mystery, Psychological SuspenseISBN - 9781529358230Number Of Pages - 389Publishing Date - July 29, 2021Cover Type - Paperback