"Family Business" is a captivating family drama and psychological thriller by Jonathan Sims. When the patriarch of the wealthy Moretti construction dynasty dies under mysterious circumstances, his adult children must come together to uncover the truth and protect the family legacy. As the investigation unfolds, long-buried secrets and tensions threaten to tear the tight-knit family apart. Each sibling must grapple with questions of loyalty, betrayal, and how far they're willing to go to preserve their stake in the family business. Reviews "Jonathan Sims has crafted a deliciously dark and twisty family saga that gripped me from the first page. 'Family Business' is a masterclass in psychological suspense, with flawed, fully realized characters that will leave you questioning everyone's motives." - Gillian Flynn, author of Gone Girl "Sims demonstrates a keen understanding of human nature and the toxic dynamics that can fester within a family. 'Family Business' is an addictive, edge-of-your-seat read that will have you questioning just how well you know your own relatives." - Karin Slaughter, bestselling author of Pieces of Her "With its clever plotting, richly drawn characters, and an atmosphere of building dread, 'Family Business' is a must-read for fans of complex, morally ambiguous thrillers. Sims is a master storyteller, and this book solidifies his place as one of the most exciting voices in the genre." - The New York Times Book Review
Book Title: Family Business - Jonathan SimsBook Genre: Horror, Queer, Adult, Mystery, Contemporary, Paranormal, Thriller, GhostsISBN: 9781473228771Number of Pages: 320Publishing Date: October 13, 2022Cover Type: Hardcover