"City of Ghosts" is the first book in the Revol Rossel series by Ben Creed. Set in post-World War II Leningrad, the novel follows Revol Rossel, a former violinist turned militia lieutenant, who is tasked with investigating a series of brutal murders. The victims, marked by a distinctive and chilling signature, lead Rossel into a world of political intrigue, hidden secrets, and personal demons. The atmospheric setting and historical backdrop provide a richly detailed narrative that immerses the reader in a tense and haunting mystery. Reviews Historical Novel Society: "A haunting and atmospheric thriller set in a meticulously researched post-war Leningrad. 'City of Ghosts' is a standout debut." The Financial Times: "Ben Creed crafts a gripping tale of murder and intrigue. The richly drawn characters and setting make this a compelling read." The Times: "An excellent historical thriller that captures the bleakness and tension of post-war Leningrad. Creed's writing is sharp and evocative."
Book Title: City of Ghosts - Ben CreedBook Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Crime, Historical Fiction, RussiaISBN: 9781787394940Number of Pages: 410Publishing Date: October 15, 2020Cover Type: Paperback