Wrong Way Summer follows Claire as she grapples with the unexpected challenges of life on the road. Initially resistant to her father’s free-spirited plans, she soon begins to uncover hidden truths about her family and herself. With heartfelt prose and relatable themes, Lang’s story captures the joys and struggles of adolescence, making it a memorable journey for readers. Reviews “A touching tale that reminds us of the importance of family and finding your own path.” — Middle-Grade Reads “Heidi Lang perfectly captures the magic of road trips and the bonds that hold us together.” — Kirkus Reviews “A heartwarming story filled with humor, heart, and unforgettable characters.” — Booklist
Book Title: Wrong Way Summer - Heidi Lang Book Genre: Kids BooksISBN: 9781419736933Number of Pages: 288Publishing Date: April 21, 2020Cover Type: Hardcover