This novel follows Bilal Hasham, who is urged by his dying mother to build a mosque in their conservative English village. His plan to introduce this new project faces stiff resistance from his neighbors, sparking tensions and forcing everyone to confront their prejudices. Through humor and keen social commentary, This Green and Pleasant Land addresses themes of belonging, identity, and the challenges of multiculturalism in modern Britain. Malik offers a lighthearted but thought-provoking narrative on acceptance and social harmony. Reviews The Guardian: "A witty and insightful novel that explores the challenges of building community in modern Britain, with a heartwarming central story that never sacrifices depth for humor." Waterstones: "Both humorous and thought-provoking, this book offers a much-needed reflection on identity and acceptance in today's society." Independent: "A delightful read that mixes cultural critique with a deeply human story of love and belonging."
Book Title: This Green and Pleasant Land - Ayisha MalikBook Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Literary Fiction, British Literature, Religion, RaceISBN: 9781785767524Number of Pages: 400Publishing Date: June 13, 2019Cover Type: Paperback